Orthopaedics HPA at the European Forefront of Lower Limb Arthroplasty
Ortopedia HPA na vanguarda Europeia Artroplastia Membro Inferior
Português, Inglês, Castelhano
May 2019
Degree in Medicine by the Faculty of Medicine - Complutense University of Madrid
Specialist in Pediatric Cardiology by the Coimbra Pediatric Hospital - Coimbra Hospital and University Center
General Paediatric Cardiology / Arrhythmology
Fetal Cardiology / Fetal Arrhythmology
Adult Congenital Heart Disease
Complementary diagnostic exams (pediatric echocardiography, fetal echocardiography, echocardiography in adult heart disease, electrocardiogram in pediatric age, stress test in pediatric age, holter in pediatric age, chart in pediatric age, diagnostic cardiac catheterization, intervention in pediatric age or in adult congenital heart disease)
Ortopedia HPA na vanguarda Europeia Artroplastia Membro Inferior
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